Having an Oxygen Moment with Beaubelle

Hi Everyone,

As you might know from previous posts, the past few months I have been trying out various product lines from the Beabelle skin care range. Starting off with with the Stress Manager – Swiss Rejuvenating oil, then testing the Beaubelle eye cream.

Currently I’m testing the oxygen products from Beaubelle (more further down). They feel wonderful on the skin, smell fabulous and certainly have a smoothing effect on the skin overall. However this is never enough for me. I like to find out why, which has lead me to do a little research on oxygen and the effects it actually has on the skin. What I found out was quite surprising and so I’ve decided to share this with you!

Keep on reading to find out more about “Having an Oxygen Moment with Beaubelle”


Having an Oxygen Moment with Beaubelle

4 fun facts about oxygen:
  1. Did you know that 90% of our energy comes from oxygen and 10% from water?
  2. Oxygen gives the body the ability to rebuild itself, detoxifies the blood and strengthens the immune system.
  3. It affects the brain, memory and learning ability.
  4. Oxygen strengthens the heart.

Having an Oxygen Moment with Beaubelle

There is a firm link between lack of oxygen and disease, however let’s look at oxygen and the skin.

As we age our body’s ability to control free radical production diminishes. It is the inability to control these atoms and molecules that causes the ageing process. Whilst there is no such thing as a miracle cure, it is possible to minimise the effects of ageing of our cells and body.

A lack of oxygen can actually increase the free radical production and cause early ageing. Therefore products which contain both antioxidants and oxygen are of great value in minimising skin ageing.

Having an Oxygen Moment with Beaubelle

Let your skin breathe easy!

Beaubelle have created 2 great products containing oxygen which I am going to talk about here:

Future Oxygen:

A foaming aqueous skin concentrate with neutral skin ph valued increases the oxygen absorption the skin, normalising all skin functions and brightening the skin complexion.

How? – It contains a very powerful ingredient called Phylderm Vegetal. Thus Future Oxygen increases oxygen consumption of the skin cells by more than 30%.

Future Oxygen is available online here.


Doctor Oxygen:

A powerful antioxidant, moisturising, detoxifying, pore and fine lines minimising skin serum. The effectiveness of this unique skin repair concentrate lies in OxyQi—Beaubelle’s exclusive complex of two unique botanical stem cells.

Under normal circumstances, Doctor Oxygen increases oxygen consumption of cells by 12.1%. But in stressful conditions whereby cells are deprived of oxygen, this wonderful elixir can further boost cellular vitality by 41.1%.

Doctor Oxygen – Extraordinary Skin Repair Concentrate is available online here.


How to use:

Each of these Oxygen products are to be applied to the skin after cleansing and before moisturising.


Having an Oxygen Moment with Beaubelle

My Current skin care routine:

I always like to try one set of products at a time and for the past month have had the following skin care routine both morning and night – you might of course like to use different products during the day than you do at night but I am going to be honest and admit to lazily using the same.

  1. Starting with the Ultra gentle cleansing mouse. I love this as it’s super easy to use. It lives in my shower. One simple squirt on the hand, applied to the face and washed off. Leaving my skin feeling super fresh and clean.

2. Then a toner to seal the pores.

3. Next I have been using the Beaubelle Future Oxygen. One squirt on my hand then massaged gently all over my face. One skirt is usually enough to also cover neck and decoulte.

4. Finishing off with the Beaubelle Doctor Defendo, a rich cream which deeply moisturises, repairs and regenerates to minimise the signs of ageing and return the skin’s vitality.



I love this routine because it is super easy  and really leaves my skin feeling hydrated all day long. Something I find not always that easy as I get older.

Each of the Beaubelle products smells Devine and yet at the same time is not overpowering. I also love the fact that they are not artificially coloured (that always makes me nervous).

I am also noticing a smoother appearance of the skin on my face. My pores don’t seem to be as big as they were before starting with this skin care routine.

The other reason I am a real fan of Beaubelle is it’s price points. Whilst the creams are not as cheap as those found in your local supermarket – they are priced very fairly. I love the fact that Beaubelle really cares about women being able to age gracefully and are putting a lot of research into this.

Do check out their website and instagram for useful tips and tricks.

Having an Oxygen Moment with Beaubelle


Other skin care articles might also like to read:

My Daily De-stressing Secret !

5 Non-Surgical Ways to Reverse Signs of Ageing Around the Eyes



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nb: Beaubelle is one of the FunkyForty Favourite shops – check out the other Favourite Shops here.


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Hi! I’m Yvonne, a 40 something (wink) Kiwi, living in Zurich. I love fashion, travel, shopping and food – believing chocolate will cure almost anything!

  1. Hi dear Yvonne thank you very much for your skin products it really sounds very promising and worthwhile to have a trial and trying it out

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