7 Super Styling Tips and More…

Hi there hope you’re having a good day!

Todays post is about 7 Super Styling Tips learnt at a styling event this week.


It’s funny isn’t it..whilst always on the look out for new trends and staying on top of fashion how many of us really think about the basic style tips…admittedly I always have that 3 colour rule at the back of my mind but that’s where it starts and ends.

Are you like that or do you have a whole list of styling tips engraved in your mind?


This week I had the opportunity to invite a group of women to a styling event at Modissa with one of Zurich’s top stylists – Melanie Albisser…as you can see we were all super interested in what she had to tell us.

What really made many of us think was when she spoke about the unconscious mind and how it takes over for regular tasks we perform including our fashion choices…think about it do you think this happens to you too? Initially I thought “no way”… and then I thought about driving – how often do you simply get into the car and drive to wherever you’re going not thinking of how to get there – or you are en-route to a new place and have found yourself driving a regular route totally wrong for where you want to go… Scary to think this is happening about fashion too!

What I do know is that even as a fashion blogger I will go and grab “safe outfits” if I don’t have the time to really think about something new.

7 Top Styling Tips Stuck in my mind:

  1. Start each season by buying 2 whole outfits to multi combine – this really makes sense. As Melanie said – when we stand in front of our full cupboards thinking we have nothing to wear it’s because we have too many singular pieces that can’t be combined nicely.
  2. Combine your culottes with boots the same colour – this will immediately give you an extended leg.
  3. Trousers should never be tight over the thighs – ok skinny jeans excluded but this talk was mostly about business fashion.
  4. A belt should not be worn to hold trousers up – it is there to look pretty. For the office make sure you don’t wear chunky belts. Keep them slim and stylish.
  5. A suit must always fit perfectly – I know this personally from experience, a wardrobe full of suits and then nothing to wear for an important business meeting.
  6. One coat is no longer enough – today a coat is a part of your styling, including what’s worn underneath – sounds like the 50’s right – smile.
  7. The colour red is not good for a job interview – it portrays power and will most likely scare a potential employer.

Of course Melanie had many other style tips but as we are repeating this next week i’ll leave those for my next post!

Some of the outfits shown to us:

Remember they will look different on a person!









A little event impression gallery…

I would like to thank Modissa for giving me the opportunity to be in charge of the guest list for this event and Melanie for your awesome style tips.

Another of these events will be taking place next Wednesday 14th September. They are strictly invite only as I like to make sure there is time for everyone to be given some personal time at the end if they choose.

If you are in Zurich and interested in joining please send me an email on yvonne@funkyforty.com

Please don’t forget to click on the heart at the end of this post if you liked it – anyone can do it – you don’t have to register at all.

The comment section is at the end of the post, I love reading all your comments.

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Wishing you all a fabulous day!


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Hi! I’m Yvonne, a 40 something (wink) Kiwi, living in Zurich. I love fashion, travel, shopping and food – believing chocolate will cure almost anything!

  1. Kiaora from New Zealand! I’ve just found your blog through Lady of Style’s blog. I look forward to avidly following your excellent styling advice 😊

  2. This was a fun post. I gathered now that Modissa is selling Essentiel. Which is why it is no surprise that Melanie is holding up the yellow jacket I nearly bought. It wasn’t in my size, so I bought a green skirt of the same material.
    I would love to join you tomorrow haha. But to go to Zürich to attend that… a bit much, right?
    Your 7 tips are sensible and I ignore them totally hahaha.
    I do buy two whole outfits every season and never think of how to combine them with the rest. So yes, I do often have lots of items which cannot be combined. I know how to solve that (smile).
    Culottes… not for me, although I have seen examples which were really good. Your tip is also very good.
    A lot of my trousers are tight over my thighs, but I have perfect legs (even if I say so myself; the one thing I am sure about). And I don’t have to worry about office rules.
    I agree about the belt, but having no hips or bum, I often do have to use the belt to keep the trousers up. Usually it is hidden then and I am taking my trousers which are too loose to the seamstress to make them fit properly.
    A suit should fit perfectly, but that applies to all clothing. Fortunately I don’t have to wear suits at all. Though I quite like them.
    Indeed one coat is not enough. I know the Italians think we Dutch womean are barbarians, owning just one sensible coat. I now have many YAY.
    Red lipstick: I always wear it (sometimes fuchsia) and I will be damned if I am going to change that. Not for anything. If that scares the potential employer (pussy!) I don’t want to work there. Not that I have to worry about that anymore. I am too old (62) to ever get another job. Luckily that is not necessary.
    By dear Yvonne.

    1. Wow Greetje, I LOVED reading all of this – so cute and you really managed to make me start the day laughing out loud – hehehe.
      Such a shame you are not in Zurich – would be adorable to have you here!!!
      Between you and me I soooooo agree with the red lipstick etc… – love wearing red lipstick and another favourite is the simple black suit with bright red lips and shoes…always makes me laugh as you can really watch – people don’t know where to focus, lips or shoes…sometimes people seem to only be looking at the face and then comment on the red shoes – that one throws me – how did they manage that???

      Have a fabulous day my dear!
      xx Yvonne

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