The best Cashmere money can buy Online and a Secret Styling tip

Hi Everyone,

It’s that time of year when, if you’re planning on spending a longer period of time outdoors a nice piece of cashmere is simply unavoidable.

Keep reading to find out more about where to buy the best cashmere money can buy online plus find out a great secret styling tip – especially useful in Winter months with ever paling skin tones.


The best Cashmere money can buy Online and a Secret Styling tip

Do you have that favourite piece of Cashmere ready in your wardrobe yet? If not and you can only shop during weekends I wanted to share this special finding with you!

I spotted this wonderful 100% Cashmere sweater in Modissa last week. All my friends have been feeling the texture and simply falling in love with it. I’m just over the moon to have something cosy to wear whilst sauntering through Christmas markets.

For those of you (like my dear hubby), that either hate or refuse to go into town during this busy shopper month one of my favourite stores, Modissa now also has an online shop! Shipping to Switzerland and Lichtenstein.

Modissa Now has an Online Shop!

Check out some of their sweater selection here:

The best Cashmere money can buy Online and a Secret Styling tip

Love the fact that wearing a lovely warm cashmere sweater means that you can wear thinner coats that little bit longer.

Secret Styling Tip

Whilst red is a colour I love as all signs of Summer tan disappear red begins to look super harsh worn too close to the face. This Saturday a dear friend of mine started talking colours to me and gave me this wonderful blue scarf to tie around my neck and break up the colour. The difference was truly like night and day!

The best Cashmere money can buy Online and a Secret Styling tip

To me it tied back the blue jeans perfectly too – another of my personal style mantras being to repeat each colour worn at least once in an outfit.

The best Cashmere money can buy Online and a Secret Styling tip


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The comment section is at the end of the post. I love reading all your comments and would love to read what you think of this outfit!

Keep Warm Sweeties!


nb: All photos taken by and property of

This post is written in collaboration with Modissa but all opinions are my own.

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Hi! I’m Yvonne, a 40 something (wink) Kiwi, living in Zurich. I love fashion, travel, shopping and food – believing chocolate will cure almost anything!

    1. Thanks dear Sue. Such a shame you are not here. Doing another shopping trip on Sat and we are visiting my friend who gave me the scarf for some fun colour chats!

      Happy day sweetie xxx

      1. I do wish continental travel was easier…I’ll be with you in retail therapy spirit…one day , Yvonne xx ❤️❤️❤️

  1. I love red for the holidays so much. Love this chic street-style layered look. Great coat and sweater. I also love that you tied that cute light blue scarf as a bow, with this. Makes it fun, modern and festive!

    Welcome by Thursdays to link your fabulous style with me. I also think you’d like my last two style posts dressed up velvet. Happy Hump Day!!

    Ada =))

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