The Oversized Cult Blazer is back and perfect for Now and Fall!

The Oversized Cult Blazer is back and perfect for Now and Fall!

Hi Everyone,

Let’s talk about the good things about a cooler Summer. For one better sleep. Even if you don’t have air-conditioning your home isn’t likely to be as sticky hot as usual. However even more fun is the fact that we can wear so many different pieces this Summer. No more having to dress to a bare minimum for fear of otherwise simply disintegrating into a pool for sweat….

Hardly surprising that as a result the oversized cult blazer is back on the hot trend list this coming Fall. Better still is the fact that the current weather allows us to wear them now already. I’ve teamed mine with jeans here but they look simply awesome with black biker shorts if you have good legs.

Keep on reading for more about: “The Oversized Cult Blazer is back and perfect for Now and Fall!”


The Oversized Cult Blazer is back and perfect for Now and Fall!

Personally I would even go as far to say that everyone needs a few oversized blazers in various colours in their wardrobe. So much fun to mix and match with shoes and bags of either similar or specifically contrasting colours.

The Oversized Cult Blazer is back and perfect for Now and Fall!

What I love about oversized blazers is that they look great worn both partially closed or fully open. I say partially closed as fully closed might not be such a great look depending on the length and what you are wearing underneath.

The Oversized Cult Blazer is back and perfect for Now and Fall!

The exception being that oversized blazers look great fully closed when cinched in at the waist with a belt. Be sure to use a belt which fits snuggly around your waist and doesn’t slip half way down to the hips.

The Oversized Cult Blazer is back and perfect for Now and Fall!

Which styling do you like best? With or without the belt?

The Oversized Cult Blazer is back and perfect for Now and Fall!

A quick note about the jeans – I love them so much as even though I am a mere 162cm tall they fit perfectly straight off without having to shorten them one little bit.


Outfit details:

Camel blazeravailable here

Purple blazeravailable here

Jeansavailable here

Shoesavailable here in various colours and fabrics, be sure to read the story behind the shoes.

GlassesHandmade in Switzerland by Marcus Marienfeld who will also make frames according to your very own specifications!



You might also like to read my latest FunkyForty Favourite shops update for July.




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Hi! I’m Yvonne, a 40 something (wink) Kiwi, living in Zurich. I love fashion, travel, shopping and food – believing chocolate will cure almost anything!

  1. Hi dear Yvonne thank you very much for your lovely blog I love those Cult Blazers then you can wear it practically with everything and you look always nice and smart I prefer the open part more than with a belt

  2. Love the purple blazer with those shoes!! Excellent styling. I am a bit cautious with oversized blazers. You’d think they look good on my 1m75 but I find they often make me look like a man. Not my preferred look haha.

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