1 Little Black Dress, 4 Ways to Wear this Winter

Hi Everyone,

As much as colour will always be a theme I encourage, no wardrobe is complete without at least one Little Black Dress. They never date and with a little tweaking can be worn at almost any occasion – if not every occasion.

Todays post is about a Little Black Dress from the online store ByAdori . Initially  picked up in December to wear to an event in Davos (see post here), and worn several times since. One of the key things about the dress is that it came with 2 detachable collars. Making it super easy to convert into different looks. In the picture above I have removed both.

Keep on reading for inspiration about 1 Little Black Dress, 4 ways to wear this Winter

1 Little Black Dress, 4 Ways to Wear this Winter

  1. Worn with black feather collar – the all black look

This really is the simplest way to wear any black dress with black tights and shoes.

Worn like this it’s important to at least put on a bright red lipstick and have some other feature too. I wore my new Ming Pearl earrings to let them make a bit of a statement.

I’m laughing so hard whilst sitting at the piano as sadly I can not yet play a piano at all. I once taught myself a little on my daughter’s keyboard, but learning the piano remains on the bucket list for now.

2. Simply adding a twist of red

Never underestimate the difference a few brightly coloured accessories can make…

The chic feather collar has been removed here.

(above two looks photographed by Beatrice from the lifestyle blog AskTheMonsters)

3. Worn with fabulous fuchsia feather collar

I’m going to confess to you here that this collar is the initial reason for falling in love with this dress. It makes such a statement that you can leave everything else bout your outfit relatively plain to make sure the fascia feather collar gets the party it deserves!

Hence nude stockings worn purposefully!

4. The office look

Voila, add a simple beige tie, shoes and bag along with a black blazer and you’re ready for the office!

Not photographed but other look I have done is to wear the dress with a Gucci belt and over the knee suede boots – also cute!

Outfit details:

Dress – c/o ByAdori

Earrings  – c/o MingPearls

Houndstooth Bag – c/o Becksondergaard

Black Shoes – c/o Dune London (last season)

Glasses – Rayban (similar here)

Beige pumps – Boss (similar here)

Beige Bag – Prada (updated similar look here )

Please note  links to vendors may be affiliate links. I do benefit from your purchases through the links on the blog.

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Wishing you all a fabulous Little Black Dress day!


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Hi! I’m Yvonne, a 40 something (wink) Kiwi, living in Zurich. I love fashion, travel, shopping and food – believing chocolate will cure almost anything!

  1. Yvonne,

    ALL the ways you are wearing that adorable dress are lovely. I especially love it with the red shoes and beret!! So fun! Thanks for sharing.

    xx Darlene

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