Pink and Grey to Reflect the Mood of the Day

Hi Everyone,

Did you know that the colours you wear have a much bigger emotional impact on your wellbeing than you realise?

This year started off with a lot of uncertainty combined with hope for better times to come. The better times will come however it is a matter of patience and making the most of the current situation for now. The perfect mood to be wearing shades of pink and grey.

Wearing pastel shades of pink is something I have always found to work as a great pick me up. You appear softer wearing pastel pink which also has an effect on the people around you. I know this from experience. Whilst working in the corporate world whenever I had a tricky meeting coming up that would require empathy from the other person I would wear a pale pink shirt – it worked every time!

Grey on the other hand is a perfect refection of the uncertain times. It is neither black nor white. It is important not to wear only grey for too long as this can really have a negative effect on your emotional well being. Better to team it up with a happy colour.

Keep reading to find out more about today’s outfit and “Pink and Grey to Reflect the Mood of the Day”.


Pink and Grey to Reflect the Mood of the Day

Pink and Grey to Reflect the Mood of the Day

The skirt I’m wearing is 6 years old now. It has often been in danger of going into the old clothes bin, only saved by it’s colour and here I am wearing it again this Winter.

Do you have items like that in your wardrobe that are only saved because of their colour?

This scarf is an absolute favourite this winter – largely because it was a Christmas present from my Hubby but also because of how warm it has been keeping me.

I also like to wear it simply draped around the neck, with both sides placed on top of each other in the front and a belt around the whole look. Will aim to get a picture of this styling up on instagram soon.

Pink and Grey to Reflect the Mood of the Day

The glasses are hand made in Switzerland by Marcus Marienfeld – I wrote a whole story about him a few weeks ago – see here.

This bag is my newest from Caroline Dechamby – a lovely artist friend of mine.  Love the metal figurine attached to each bag – it is actually Caroline herself.

Check out Caroline’s website for her beautiful leather creations. You’ll find cute evening pouches starting from CHF 290

Pink and Grey to Reflect the Mood of the Day

Quite simply put, I love wearing shades of pink and grey as a pick me up or simply to brighten the day.


Outfit details:

Coat – Caroll, available here

Skirt – old Max Mara – currently in love with this pink skirt

Sweatersimilar here

Bootsavailable here

Bag – Caroline Dechamby available here

GlassesMarcus Marienfeld – hand mande in Switzerland

Scarf – Prada – similar available here



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Natural Nuance

Favourite Bags: Natural Nuance bags are crafted to the highest standards using consciously sourced materials. Circular design principles are applied to ensure longevity and re-use.

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Hi! I’m Yvonne, a 40 something (wink) Kiwi, living in Zurich. I love fashion, travel, shopping and food – believing chocolate will cure almost anything!

  1. Glad that skirt didn’t make it to the bin or give-away pile. It is beautiful. You styled it well. And yes I have items like that too but lately I am better in saying goodbye to them.

  2. very nice thank you very much dear Yvonne for your Blog and I really adore those colours pink and grey such pretty combinations

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