Secret Fall 2017 News from Best Secret!

Hi Everyone,

Hope you’re having fun embracing the beginning of Fall. This weekend doing an outfit photo shoot at the lovely Villa Orselina a friend said:  “wow lovely outfit, must have cost a fortune”. Then totally astonished when I told her! Which made me realise it was time to share this lovely Best Secret, secret with you all again (see here for last years post)!

Have you heard of Best Secret yet? Known for being Europes most exclusive online shopping club. From personal experience, the coolest site I have seen yet for finding current season designer items at a steal of a price.

For just under CHF 400 I managed to get

  • an oversize knit cardigan (SET)
  • one pretty burgundy bag (Marc Picard)
  • over-knee boots (Cypres)
  • shirt (mbyM)

By spending this amount I could see that the saving alone from regular price was over CHF 500 – awesome, a feat normally only achievable during high sale season.

Keep reading to find out more.


Secret Fall 2017 News from Best Secret!

So what exactly is BestSecret and how does it work?

  1. BestSecret is an online platform offering designer fashion for women and men as well as home accessories.
  2. There are over 3’000 designers and 500 new arrivals every day.
  3. All year round discounts of up to 80%
  4. Top designer labels (Max Mara, Aigner, Beach Mountain, Bogner Sport, Tommy Hilfiger, DKNY to name a few) and latest collections.
  5. Returns are free (within 2 weeks after the order is received)
  6. BestSecret is a closed fashion online shop which means you can only become a member if another member recommends you – luckily for you the first 100 FunkyForty readers to register will automatically be accepted – just use this link:
  7. BestSecret is in Switzerland, Germany, Austria, Sweden and Great Britain

Keep scrolling after the pictures to find out how you can be in to win a CHF 100 voucher at BestSecret


I love the fact it’s always easy to find matching items on the site…

Are you inspired yet to check out the BestSecret site? Registration is free, FunkyForty readers are accepted by default and by registering through the link:

collect your CHF 20 welcome voucher and …

you are automatically in the draw to win an additional CHF 50 voucher.  3 to be won!

Recommend your friends and be in for a whole 5% commission from their shopping for a whole year!

Good Luck!

You guessed right, this is a sponsored post but the opinions and words are my own and I am really sold on the great value to be had from this site.

Sign up for the FunkyForty newsletter for regular Fashion and Lifestyle updates!

Please don’t forget to click on the heart at the end of this post if you liked it – anyone can do it – you don’t have to register at all.

A big thank you to my lovely photographer hubby, especially for saving me from walking into the pool just in time!

Relaxing with Julia Faulhaber...

But not for long, stay tuned for more about wonderful Villa Orselina with an offer for you on blog soon!

Wishing you a fabulous day!


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Hi! I’m Yvonne, a 40 something (wink) Kiwi, living in Zurich. I love fashion, travel, shopping and food – believing chocolate will cure almost anything!


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