Fab NZ Fashion – Vicki Taylor

I know it’s winter right now but this has got to be the perfect time for looking into NZ fashion as a preview for the coming summer.

Summer is the time we all like to hang lose, wear comfy clothing and look trendy all at the same time. New Zealand has got to be the leader in this type of summer fashion – no matter how great the Italians are! They seem to get the mix between leisure and summer breeziness just right.


Fab NZ Fashion Β – Vicki Taylor

My discovery trail has lead me to Taylor – a fab NZ brand that started in 1999 by Vicki Taylor who has a passion for fashion (largely cultivated by her Father who was in the textile industry). Her styles are beautiful, clean cut and very original. I really love the fact that this is the type of fashion that will suit any size and it is all a matter of how you decide to wear and combine the various pieces.




Have fun!

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Hi! I’m Yvonne, a 40 something (wink) Kiwi, living in Zurich. I love fashion, travel, shopping and food – believing chocolate will cure almost anything!

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