Sounds funny doesn’t it – but walking through the Streets of Zurich on my way home this evening, the new sales signs were flashing in my face from every direction. So if you are in a remotely “saving” frame of mind – I suggest to stay as far away from the shops as possible right now 😉
But if you have a little budget left over for the summer sales here are my three top tips:
This has always been my favourite sales store ever since I moved to Zurich and this year is no exception (absolutely not a sponsored post for reference :-))
Shoes are already 50% – this years fab Valentinos already on sale in pink:
I tore myself away from these and saw these awesome high heeled fringe sandals – am convinced these are an investment and will be in mode next year…
Many more shoes – you have to go in to see them yourself – remember to look ground floor and venture upstairs one flight.
Looking for handbags – there is a huge selection including the cute Leit Motiv one in the Milan F/W fashion show in March this year!
Also heaps of cool stuff from Marc Jacobs amongst many other designers…am going in again tomorrow – these sales are so exciting my budget mode might have to go on hold for one day 😉 shhhh don’t tell my hubby!
I saw the following jacket (amongst other items) at 50% – mega hard to leave in store tonight…I may dream about it 😉
I personally find, due to their classic designs Zadig and Voltare is one of those brands you can think of as an investment. The chances are good, whatever you buy will be well wearable next year.
I like to buy with foresight – and even though we are in summer now, one thing for sure is that Autumn and Winter are just around the corner. From tomorrow on they have fabulous cashmere items at 50% discount – awesome designs and simply the best in quality…once again think I need to look into this tomorrow , especially considering bad weather is set for next week and I don’t feel like I have any cheerful warm items to wear 😉
So now I wish you all a fabulous weekend and if you find any fab Sale ideas please comment and let me and other readers know as well!
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