Opening Nite – Il Tavolo at Gate Gourmet!

Photograph from Altus Karakoc photography

Recapping the Il Tavolo kitchen party opening nite last nite at Gate Gourmet – Zurich!DSC_0360

The evening started with a bang as Oliver Fischer (Director Culinary Excellence Gate Gourmet) introduced the evening and its happenings with huge gusto!

Only to be discovered moments later conducting his kitchen band – so many talents!


Awesome opportunity to get a first hand look at the Gate Gourmet kitchens – even if the turn out was so fab we had to breath in super skinny to move about 😉


Despite the crowds it was a great opportunity to meet Zurich’s famous chefs – my Mum especially liked Frank Widmer from Park Hyatt – think she’d like to import him to NZ but not sure if his boss would be so happy – especially when you see the dish he prepared:


Oh wow, getting hungry all over again as I write…


Rebecca Cloth from also had a super dish…

Never thought I would find myself eating Pork Belly but this was simply too good to miss!!!


Ever so cool to meet Andrea Werth (Marmite-youngster 2015) in person!

Vegetarians were not forgotten with the presence of Rolf Hiltl himself (right) and his star chef 😉 – Hey did you know that according to the Guiness world records Hiltl was the first vegetarian restaurant in the world. Founded in 1898 and now run by 4h generation of Hiltl’s!


This picture proves my point again that anyone working with chocolate always smiles! I was ever so happy to see Läderach chocolate there last nite…but ate far too much (avoided scales this morning;-)).


With free flowing best champagne, wines and brilliantly friendly service a fab time was had by all – can’t wait for the next event!

There’s something happening each evening and during the day in the weekend until Sunday 28 June – it’s not too late to book tickets – this is one event you certainly don’t want to miss out on!!!

Check out Il Tavolo for full program and tickets.



PS: People behind the scenes often get forgotten in these events but  Lucy from PR/TICULAR really deserves a huge applause for the super PR work she and her team have done for Il Tavolo!

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Hi! I’m Yvonne, a 40 something (wink) Kiwi, living in Zurich. I love fashion, travel, shopping and food – believing chocolate will cure almost anything!

  1. Hi Yvonne,

    Looks like you are having a lot of fun. Was fascinated by the story about the Hiltl family vegetarian restaurant. Wow, that’s amazing. Is it in Zurich?

    1. Hi John,

      Yes it is in Zurich – they have amazing cook books too – would you like me to send you one? Or I guess you can prob order on Amazon.
      We even had a work evening in their kitchens a couple of years back – was very cool.
      These days we bloggers meet in Hiltl as it has reasonable wifi 😉
      So nice to have heard from you!
      Love from “Mrs Corney” 😉

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