Hi Everyone,
We all have good days and not so good days. Productive days and not so productive days. However the real key to making the most of life is to try and be as happy as possible most of the time.
Happiness one of the most positive emotions we can experience, but it is also the key to a fulfilled, healthy life. The more cheerful we are is linked to living longer, being able to work better, remain more active as we age, and having an improved immune system, among other health benefits.
Short spouts of happiness triggered by events are easy. A weekend away, a fun party, the list goes on. However the key is to genuinely feel happy most of the time regardless of what life throws at you. Have a few simple little pick me up tricks to rely on that will help get you going even when the going gets tough. Remember in life it really is the little things that matter and can make such a big difference to your everyday life!
This post gives you 7 of the simplest tricks ever to be happy and lead a happy life.
7 of the Simplest Tricks Ever to Be Happy and Lead a Happy Life
Start the day positively
The first thing yo should do each day is tell yourself you are going to have a great day. If you are in a relationship get a cute morning ritual going like a special wakeup kiss. You will be surprised how a little thing like this can have a big impact on the rest of your day.
2. Practise self care on a daily basis
Even the simplest thing such as having a morning ritual of showering using a special shower gel will also get your daily mood going in the right direction. You’ll feel fresh, invigorated and ready to tackle what life throws at you. It also gives you a feeling of having achieved something right at the start of the day.
(I went through a patch since working from home of getting up early and going straight to the office, showering around mid day…Now I moved back to showering first thing and have honestly noticed a huge difference. I can work more freely without worrying if someone suddenly turns up or simply thinking I must shower. Needless to say the sweet shower gel smells are great for creative impulse.)
My current favourite Summer shower smell – available here
3. In case the day starts bad…
If the day starts bad – have a forward looking scenario, tell yourself the afternoon will be better. You’ll be surprised how the simply act of positive thinking can actually turn around what happens to you.
The same applies to having a bad end to the day – go to bed telling yourself tomorrow is another day and things will be better. This simple thought is often enough to help you find the solution subconsciously during your sleep.
(I learnt this trick from a friend of mine years ago and know from experience it really works!)
4. Let a little scent do the work for you.
If negative thoughts fill your home or workspace or the area gets stuffy of course opening the windows for fresh air is important but also scent can make a huge difference in peoples moods and how difficult tasks are accomplished.
I always have a scent bottle placed in the hallway of our home. Whenever we come home we know it’s home based on the smell and it makes us feel happy inside.
My current favourite Summer scent – available online here
5. Learn to let go
Learn to let go – much easier said than done but if you are feeling angry or frustrated about something/ someone try removing yourself from the situation. A little time and distance will help you see things more clearly. Choose to forgive others rather than building up ever growing feelings of resentment and you will notice your personal happiness will improve too.
You might like to try a herbal tea break to help you with this.
(My daughter is 20 now but as she was a baby I’ll never forget one extreme day we had together where she simply cried for 12 hours straight no matter what I did. In the end I finally gave up – left her in a room screaming for 10 minutes whilst I made a cup of herbal tea. Once it was ready I fetched her again, feeling much calmer myself. Sat on a comfy chair holding her whilst sipping tea and within seconds she was asleep – situation finally solved!)
My Summer herbal tea favourite – available here
6. Add a touch of yellow
Yellow is the colour of optimism. It makes you feel happy and spontaneous. and is associated with laughter, hope and sunshine. Accents of yellow help give your design energy and will make the viewer feel optimistic and cheerful.
Add a touch of yellow to your outfit or surroundings for some cheerful hue.
7. Spend at least 15 minutes each day outdoors
Spending time outdoors, especially in green spaces, is one of the fastest ways to improve your health and happiness. It’s been proven to lower stress, blood pressure and heart rate. It helps the body produce Vitamin D which has been proven and essential vitamin to reducing the likelihood of depression. If you feel it’s too hot to do much outside right now, even a little light gardening or tinkering with your plants on the balcony is a great start!
It’s a proven fact that people who spend more time outdoors also lead a more fulfilled and happy life.
Have fun trying out these easy tips.
For a few more fun happiness tips and life hacks check out the Kneipp website here – it is updated regularly.
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Note: this is a sponsored post but all opinions are my own.
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Hi dear Yvonne I love your Blog and you are so right a little sun every day can do wonders
These are all great ideas! And I agree with them all and try to practice them. The yellow was a new idea for me and I love it. Must try!