5 Tips to Survive the Mid Winter Nothing to Wear Syndrome

Hi Everyone,

It’s just past mid winter here in Europe and many of us are really getting into that “nothing to wear” mood even though our wardrobes are stuffed full of clothing!

Does this sound like you at all? I’m going to confess that it happens to me…

Couldn’t fit another coat-hanger into the wardrobe and yet at the same time each morning feeling as though there is nothing suitable to wear. It’s all the “same old same old” clothing. Plus it all seems to be looking very tired…

Keep reading for 5 proven tips that I personally use to survive the mid winter nothing to wear syndrome.


5 Tips to Survive the Mid Winter Nothing to Wear Syndrome

5 Tips to Survive the Mid Winter Nothing to Wear Syndrome

Tip 1 – Take a piece of spring clothing and add it to winter

Has the simple effect of extending your wearable wardrobe and lifts the mood from those dark winter colours. This year i’ve started by teaming up spring white skinny pants with a winter white chunky sweater.

Tip2 – Go through old items and give them new life

Just last weekend I sifted through old coats and took out this inner jacket to wear alone and with other coats. Hubby was convinced I had bought something new and then very cheerful after explaining what I had done – haha!

5 Tips to Survive the Mid Winter Nothing to Wear Syndrome

Tip 3 – Treat yourself to 1 new item that can be combined with many more

Selected carefully, one new item alone can put a new dimension on almost your whole wardrobe. This season a pink baker boy hat has been doing the trick for me.

5 Tips to Survive the Mid Winter Nothing to Wear Syndrome

… oh wow you’ve already seen this hat so many times. I’ll call it a good investment – smile!

Tip 4 – Clear out your wardrobe

As strange as it may seem, getting rid of anything you don’t wear from your wardrobe and only leaving your favourites will actually free your mind too. It will magically become much easier to create new combinations – try it – promise you’ll agree!

Tip 5 – Research

If at a loss for a new outfit one of the easiest thing to do these days is go online for some inspiration.

Here are 3 Instagram accounts I personally love for inspiration:

(of course there are many more so please don’t feel offended if I haven’t listed you…)







or you might even like FunkyForty instagram…


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Wishing you all fun with your wardrobe!


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Hi! I’m Yvonne, a 40 something (wink) Kiwi, living in Zurich. I love fashion, travel, shopping and food – believing chocolate will cure almost anything!

  1. Today is know as the dead of winter (Jan 31) and there is lots of winter to muddle through…I think I’ve been inspired to keep going…as always great tips and I always like checking out new accounts ….we are getting there Yvonne xx

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