5 Ways to Protect Yourself from the Boring Suit + a Linkup!

A suit is safe when it comes to corporate wear – however wouldn’t it be nice to have something with a little bit of an edge to it but still complied with strict corporate policy.



The other day whilst researching the internet I came across thefoldlondon.com a contemporary new (2013) label founded by business women for professional women. Creating versatile clothing pieces perfect 24/7. Finally a label that makes business wear, suitable for the most formal of meetings yet still maintaining a difference.
Going through their collection there were 5 things that really struck out at making a difference form your “regular boring suit” whilst at the same time retaining careful quality, essential in maintaining a professional image.


about-ut-page-showroom (1)

5 Ways to Protect Yourself from the Boring Suit:

1. Wear a Dress

Camlot-dres-blush-pinkCAMELOT_BLUSH_PINK_2-120x180Love The Fold Dresses. Fabrics are non-crease High-tech Poly-twill, perfect for business travels or long days in the office.

2. Wear a Shirt with a Difference


This belleville top grey micro houndstooth, can team up with a matching skirt to look like a dress or with darker trousers / skirt to simply make a statement on its own.

3. Replace regular Suit Trousers with Culottes


These blush pink le marais columbia culottes are seriously the new work wear staple as wide legged trousers continue to be top of the hit list this coming Spring.

4. Wear a Skirt with a Feature

pleated-pencil-skirt-navy-frontLITTLE_JACKET_NAVY_PLEATED_SKIRT_2-120x180A pencil skirt is essential to every work wardrobe – the pleats on this navy le marais pencil skirt give it that certain edge to stand out from the crowd.

5. Team your outfit with a Longer style Coat-Jacket


This beautiful  grey metallic jacquard drayton coat has the added benefit of a slimming effect.


I’m happy to be co-hosting Nicole’s “Top of the World” Fashion Link Up today!

…in fact this post was partially written in honour of her as I had the pleasure of speaking over the phone with her this week and learnt that in Alaska clothing shops sell outdoor practical clothing and the only way to buy something else is either at Thrift stores (where ex-pats sell their clothes), or online.


10178123_597115547052456_5718396401425805988_nNicole Mölders is married, has one cat, no kids. She is a fashion, and science enthusiast from Fairbanks, Alaska and the blogger of High Latitude Style – an Alaska fashion blog with science bits for the stylish 40+ woman. She shares how to dress stylishly on trend and shows that 40+ is way too young to give up having fun with fashion (and heels).

Now let’s get the party going. Everyone of any age and gender is welcome to share their fashion and style posts. It’s super easy all you need to do is follow the simple steps set out below:
#linkup #fashionlinkup #over40fashion | Top of the World Style linkup party logo | High Latitude Style | http://www.highlatitudestyle.com

  1. Grab the above code for the banner if you like
  2. Please follow your Host via wordpress, facebook, twitter, pinterest, and your Co-host via twitter, facebook, Pinterest, Instagram and/or Blog Lovin
  3. Linkup any of your fashion/style posts by simply adding your link below
  4. Please give your linkup-fellows’ blogs some traffic by visiting their posts, introduce yourself to them to network and to make new friends
  5. Please spread the word about the party and invite your friends on twitter. The more, the merrier.

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Hi! I’m Yvonne, a 40 something (wink) Kiwi, living in Zurich. I love fashion, travel, shopping and food – believing chocolate will cure almost anything!

  1. Thanks again for co-hosting and writing the post in honor of me. I am thrilled! These ideas are great. I love the wrap dress and the culottes! The coat is awesome! You can’t find that in Alaska!

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