You smell the chocolate with your eyes closed…then smiling people wearing tall white hats carrying trays of chocolate appear popping chocolate into your hands before you realise… the delicious taste instantly lifts your mood…a few steps further and the same happens again…wonderful delicate chocolate with no end…is this a dream? No it’s the Lindt & Sprüngli AGM!!!
The fact that 82% of the shareholders eligible to vote attended the AGM speaks for itself – this has got to be the most awesome AGM one could ever go to. Notice the picture above – this year we saw the rabbits turning into tigers – next year they’ll even be wearing leopard spots – what will they think of next?
10 x Lindt & Sprüngli straight from the AGM:
1. From Bean to Bar – Lindt & Sprüngli are one of the few chocolate houses that has every step to making chocolate under their own control.
2. Lindt & Sprüngli’s place huge emphasis on sustainable sourcing – ensuring there will still be enough chocolate for everyone to eat in 100 years time. The heart of this strategy is the LINDT & SPRÜNGLI FARMING PROGRAM, which started 2008 in Ghana (with over 45’000 farmers) and 2014 in Ecuador (over 3’500 farmers).
3. With 24 Subsidiaries and 13 Factories, approximately 250’000 tons of chocolate are produced each year…wonder how much happiness this converts to – smile.
4. Over 3 billion Lindor Balls produced each year, converting to 2’500 balls per minute – so don’t hold back -eat them to your hearts content 😉
5. Investment in newest technology is huge – approximately CHF 20 million per month over the past two years. October 2015 saw the opening of the newest factory near Sydney – with an investment of AUD 60 million.
6. 209 new Lindt & Sprüngli chocolate shops opened since 2009 – this year again there are plans to open approximately another 30 shops!
7. Last Saturday saw the opening of a shop in shop up the Titlis – this is the 2nd Lindt & Sprüngli shop situated over 3’000 meters…will they really one day have a shop over 4’000 meters?
8. The newest product launched is Lindt Fruits – interestingly currently only available in France…looking forward to seeing them in Switzerland at some stage!
9. Project Chocolate Competence Center in Kilchberg is taking shape and will be an important step to ensuring Switzerland is recognised as being a market leader in chocolate. Sounds exciting with a chocolate museum, research and development area and chocolate shop to name some of the proposed features. Planned completion date being 2019.
10. The rise of Lindt and Sprüngli shares – in 20 years their value increased 19.4 x. Over the past 10 years the value has increased 3.4 x and of course future growth plans are on the horizon!
In case you’re interested in 2015 AGM …click here
On that note – grab a piece of chocolate and have a super day!
PS: remember Mothers day…you might want to make your own special Mothers Day chocolate creation – see here.
all photo credits Lindt & Sprüngli with the exception of picture taken at todays AGM
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