I think it’s only natural to focus on a city’s centre when shopping and yet especially in Zurich there is so much to see just a little off the beaten track – take Josefstrasse for example.
It doesn’t look like much from the naked eye but take a walk down and you will be surprised at what you will find. Starting from Zurich main station and walking towards Langstrasse here are just a few of the wonderful treats to find:
1. For interior design and accessories:
2. For locally designed garments – perfect for finding “the” party dress
3. einzigart for the perfect nick nack
4. Manu Propria – the perfect glasses – for opportunity of CHF 150 “Gutschein” see here
5. For individually designed clothing and accessories – the place you are sure to find something original!
6. The clothing shop with a conscience
7. For the best Paninnis in the whole of Zurich and the perfect way to round off your shopping trip:
Why not try it out tomorrow!
Have fun.