Tips for the Wardrobe Revamp!

Hi Everyone,



The other day a good friend of mine, Doriana asked me to help her out with her wardrobe. I was a little surprised and honoured as she really is very stylish andย looks great whenever I see her.


Going through her wardrobe made me realise there are a few simple rules we can all follow for revamping our wardrobes:

1) Mix and match the outfits you have – dare to create combinations you otherwise would not have worn together. This can be easier with a friend or someone you trust as it is often difficult to imagine the new outfits yourself.

Here are some new combinationsย we created:

2) Get pictures from magazines of the outfits you love best and see if you can recreate these with what you have.

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Note the belt for a polished look, the pretty sparkly bracelet ties in with sparkles on t-shirt which is tucked in in front and left out at the back.

3) Take out anything you haven’t worn for a year and ask yourself if you are likely to ever wear it again. My motto is that even if I haven’t worn it for a year, if it is something I really like myself I will keep it as it is bound to come in fashion again. If I am not sure then out it goes!

4) Throw out any worn out items, fabrics that have gone shiny with age, lost their shape etc – these need to go!

5) Make a note of key items you need to finish off the outfits you tried to create in 2)

At the end of the wardrobe revamp Doriana felt as if her wardrobe had doubled in size without even adding anything to it. We did however decide a new belt and sparkly shoes would be a great addition…


Here another of the outfits we created out of a top she had bought to wear with leggings but never felt quite right in – now combined with her white trousers and a simple grey t-shirt underneath her long tops has really come to life – we tried it both with and without a belt:

Just now with the new season about to start is the most perfect time to do a wardrobe clean out – and today in particular in Switzerland is even more perfect as it is Swiss National day – no shops are open and it’s raining!

Wishing you all a wonderful weekend – lots of fun sorting out your wardrobes – feel free to contact me if you would like some “funky forty” help ๐Ÿ˜‰


PS: As an added bonus have a look at this brilliant post I found about Top 10 Fashion Blogger Wardrobes!

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Hi! Iโ€™m Yvonne, a 40 something (wink) Kiwi, living in Zurich. I love fashion, travel, shopping and food โ€“ believing chocolate will cure almost anything!

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