The Little Things That Matter

Hi Everyone,

Whilst in the corporate world I continuously preached “it’s the little things that matter”. Despite working in Finance and Risk I would be the one with a box of coloured balloons by my desk. I was also responsible for a whole pallet of colourful cubes designed to teach people about a risk regulation we were implementing. Those small cubes made everyone smile and brought a lot of colour into the office.

Recently caught up in a whirlwind of travel and excitement I lost sight of this a little. Reflecting these past couple of weeks made me realise I had begun to neglect the little things in life that had previously meant so much to me.

Little things that have made this week sweet for me have been: 1) a walk to the grocery store with my daughter, taking silly iPhone photos along the way. 2) Two hours spent gardening yesterday. Gardening used to be one of my main hobbies and I’ve seriously neglected it since starting 3) Running in the forest with my hubby. 4) The fact that a friend who normally never has time to call, did call and we now have a zoom apero date planned! 5) Last but not least, my fun new shopping bag that makes the neighbours smile.

The bags have a super cute story behind them which I tell you all about further down.

Keep reading for more of “The Little Things That Matter”.


The Little Things That Matter

It’s funny to think that this little shopping bag could really bring so much joy… however you’d be surprise how many people actually smile when they see me shopping with it!


The story behind the bags:

The beautiful and durable hand-crafted jute “word-bags” from The Jacksons are a joyous outcome of the design collaboration between Louise and the skilful handicraft workers in south-west Bangladesh.   The partnership began in 2012 and The Jacksons are now working closely with over 5000 women in Bangladesh in an area where there are few job opportunities for them.  We are doing more than just designing and creating a brand. We are striving to help overcome poverty and improve the women’s social standing.  They now have access to free medical care and schools through this dynamic collaboration.  Our ladies are paid directly which gives them independence and status, empowering them to make decisions within the family.  A large percentage are educating their daughters up to sixth form and some are going to university.  This was impossible only six years ago and Louise visits regularly to see at first hand the real benefits.”


Falling in love with the bags and the story behind them, a dear friend of mine decided to import them into Switzerland. Helping the cause further.


In case you live in Switzerland and would also like to do something small to make a big difference you can now order bags directly  here:



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Wishing you a wonderful weekend.

Remember it’s the little things that matter!


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Hi! I’m Yvonne, a 40 something (wink) Kiwi, living in Zurich. I love fashion, travel, shopping and food – believing chocolate will cure almost anything!

  1. I love your Blog and those Shopping Bags are so cute and make you really like to smile all the way so cute

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