The Convertible Party Skirt!

With Christmas just around the corner are you desperately searching around for something new and exciting to wear? That one perfect dress for that one perfect evening…will you spend way too much money on it, wear it once and then …then know it will sit at the back of your wardrobe for an awfully long time.

If there is a YES to any of those questions the perfect answer is a Tulle Skirt!


Tulle is one of those fabrics that never really goes out of fashion, it just is! This season I have noticed however that there is a huge comeback in Tulle – having worn a new tulle skirt to the Polyball last weekend.

DSC_0558 Teamed here with a vintage top (similar here) and a pair of vintage long gloves (similar here).


How to convert:

  • In summer wear  with a simple white t-shirt and sneakers, get a total beachy casual look – can’t wait!
  • Now  combine with blazer and boots for wearing during the day!
  • Wear with a black long sleeved knit and long boots


  • Team with a denim jacket


  • There are many more – has 20 just here.

Tulle Skirts found online:

(click on image to be led to online shop)


Wishing you all loads of fun should you be inspired and decide to buy a Tulle skirt.

Do send a picture of you in your Tulle Skirt – winning entries will be published on FunkyForty Instagram!



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Hi! I’m Yvonne, a 40 something (wink) Kiwi, living in Zurich. I love fashion, travel, shopping and food – believing chocolate will cure almost anything!


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