Summer Vacation – The Essential Packing Guide!

Hi Everyone,

It’s the last day of school before Summer vacation in Zurich as I write this post. The time when everyone is frantically pre packing or thinking of what they need to buy before going on vacation.

The most surprising thing to me each year is the emphasis on packing clothing.

The most surprising thing to me each year is the emphasis on packing clothing. Vacation clothing is really the easiest thing out – just follow these simple rules:

1. An outfit per day – make sure bottoms (shorts or skirts) can be worn 2 days with a fresh top per day.

2. An evening outfit every second day (that is if you change for the evening whilst on vacation). Every second day is really enough as it is ok to wear the same thing 2 nights. If I go for a week I usually take 3 evening things – wear a different one each evening and then repeat again – it’s never so obvious this way and saves a lot of packing.

3. Always add a sweater or cardigan in case it gets cold and something in case it rains.

4. If all else fails buy something new. Clothing makes the best vacation souvenir out!

This post is about not forgetting the real vacation essentials!

This post is about more than the clothing to pack on vacation. It’s about not forgetting the real vacation essentials.

Keep reading to find out more about “Summer Vacation – The Essential Packing Guide!”


Summer Vacation – The Essential Packing Guide!

This post is going to highlight 5 things that may or may not already be on your Summer vacation packing list, but even if they are not they really should be!

  1. Anti-aging Sun skin care

Especially once you reach 40 it’s time to think of more than simply buying sunscreen for vacation. It’s time to really think of being kind to your skin and protecting it from unnecessary ageing from the skin as well.

Personally I am a fan of the new Lierac Sunissime Sunscreen Fluid.

“Lierac Sunissime Sunscreen fluid is the first anti-aging sunscreen that shields the face with Ultra-Wide Spectrum Sun Protection (Ultraviolet, Infrared, and Visible Light), while providing it with intensive anti-wrinkle and anti-slackening benefits.”

available online here 

Not to forget the after sun moisturiser:

The most important thing of all if you want your lovely vacation tan to last a little longer as well as protect your skin from ageing prematurely!

This Lierac Sunissime body milk reduces signs of photoaging and visibly repairs the skin. Immediately cooling and soothing skin upon application.

available online here


2. Sun Hair Protection

Normally a total vacation nightmare for me – the effect of the sun and sea on my hair. Sometimes I feel like I need another 6 months for my hair to simply recover – anyone else know the feeling?

Not to despair now with this new Phyto hair repair mask. Brilliant for after sun care – now you can return from vacation with your hair looking even healthier than before despite the added strain from sun and sea!!!

available online here


3. Tooth Brush and Tooth Paste

You might be laughing at this suggestion, but how good would your vacation be without a toothbrush?

I have such funny memories as a child – my parents were relatively new to NZ and quite adventurous. Many weekends we would simply get into the car and drive with the aim of discovering a new beach. Inevitably the time would come when they concluded it was too far to drive back home same day so we had to find a place to stay. The one thing they always bought me was a new toothbrush!

Why not treat yourself to a new toothbrush for Summer vacation. Curapox has the most awesome selection of pretty colours and fun toothpaste flavours!

Surfing the internet I couldn’t help but fall in love with this pack of 10 available here


4. Vacation Shower Gel

Lets face it we all like to smell a little special on vacation – well I do in any case! Whilst hotel shower gel is tip top for a weekend away. When it comes to going away for one week or more I always like to take my own with me from home.

Have currently fallen in love with the new flavours from Kneipp which come in handy little 250ml bottles – perfect for Summer vacation!

available online here


5. SodaStream Water Bottle

Staying hydrated has got to be the most important thing of all. Especially during the Summer months when it is so hot!

Whenever travelling by plane the one thing I always take as a rule is a water bottle. Have fallen in love with the cute new bottles from Sodastream. Perfect for taking empty through customs and then filling up at a water fountain before boarding.

Today nearly all major airports have special water fountains for filling bottles with drinking water. By using this cute new 0.5ml Sodastream bottle over and over again I’m also saving on plastic!

When at home I have it next to me in the office – filled with lovely bubbly water – smile!

My only bottle available online in three colours here.



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Wishing you all a wonderful Summer vacation!


ps: this is a sponsored post but all opinions are my own and these really are items I take on Summer vacation with me!

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Hi! I’m Yvonne, a 40 something (wink) Kiwi, living in Zurich. I love fashion, travel, shopping and food – believing chocolate will cure almost anything!

  1. Have a great vacation Yvonne
    After my first trip to Europe, and months of planning , I feel like packing expert haha

  2. Ha! Love it! These packing list obsessions are nuts! My list is 2 white tees, a white blouse, blue pullons in long, 3/4, and a skirt! Sunscreen, sandles, undies, face wash, moisturiser, toothbrush and a hat! And I’m out of here! Family optional!

    1. Brilliant – especially love the last bit – hehe.
      I remember once I was so desperate to go to Venice I bought hubby and daughter each a book on Venice and then said I was going the following weekend – they could either join or not. Needless to say they came along…smile!
      You have a great packing list!

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