Starting Spring 2021 in Style

Hi Everyone,

Just like that Spring is in the air. The temperatures have risen, sun is out and people are smiling! No matter what the current situation is, I’m not going to let it dampen my fashion spirits – how about you?

It’s time to get out a little colour and spread the joy. The red leather jacket shown above has been in my wardrobe several years now and seems to see the day of light each Spring (similar available in Bordeaux here).

Recently I discovered a lovely new label (Dea Kudibal) at La-Tienda a shop close to me (see online store here), with stretch silk dresses. The perfect way to start Spring if you ask me.

Keep reading for more about how I’m styling this new silk stretch dress and starting Spring 2021 in style.


Starting Spring 2021 in Style

Maxi dresses are perfect for now as they are long enough that you can avoid wearing stockings.

A friend of mine thought this dress would look great teamed with black biker boots but I prefer to let the full springiness shine by teaming the dress with sneakers instead.

A pair of white converse shoes will always be a staple in my wardrobe. They are simply so easy to team up with anything and never date.

The leather jacket is perfect for this time of year as it protects from any cold breeze that may still be about.

The bag is my latest carry-all from  Atelier Avanzar . A bag label created by Margarita, a lovely woman from Ecuador now living in Switzerland. All of her bags are hand made in Ecuador by local women. There is also a special Avanzar foundation that has been set up and profits from the bags go to this foundation which supports sick children and women in need in Ecuador.

Now you can get 15% off these bags with the discount code FUNKYFORTYFRIENDS.


Glasses above are totally handmade in Switzerland by Marcus Marienfeld – find out more here.


Back to the dress…

The real reason I’m in love with this dress is because I think it makes the perfect pool and later beach dress…

It makes a lovely change from walking round in bulky white bathrobes.

Dress available online here.

Or check out other designs and cotton variations here.


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Have fun stepping into Spring 2021 fashionably!



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Natural Nuance

Favourite Bags: Natural Nuance bags are crafted to the highest standards using consciously sourced materials. Circular design principles are applied to ensure longevity and re-use.

Find out more here.

Hi! I’m Yvonne, a 40 something (wink) Kiwi, living in Zurich. I love fashion, travel, shopping and food – believing chocolate will cure almost anything!

  1. Hi dear Yvonne I love your blog and also your dress it looks really beautiful love it and your red Jacket just tops it

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