My Grandmother came from St Peter-Ording (North Sea, Germany) and later eloped to Hamburg with her first child…. never having been there myself, yet having a huge passion for the coast (growing up in NZ), I felt it time to go back to my roots!
This is what they do up there – walk for km’s on end along board walks to restaurants located either on beach, waters edge or fully emerged in water. Arche Noah pictured above is easy to reach from Ortsteil Bad but the oldest of the three we visited.
The next restaurant – Strand Bar 54° Nord, located in Ortsteil Ording is precariously located right in the water!
OK – so probably on a lovely sunny day it would be fabulous but we felt quite brave daring to go up and have our lunch!
Fabulous fish and decor modern with a contemporary touch, letting us forget the perils of storm outside as we savoured lunch!
The third restaurant: The Strandhutte, located by Ortsteil Dorf currently has a Swiss chef and is famous for its fabulous food.
Nestled on grass it was also much easier to get to 😉
Fabulous place to sit and watch the local kite surfing!
Had it been nicer weather we would certainly have spent more time in a wonderful Strand Korb!
Once back in our lovely Beach Motel…
…despite the restaurant having sand on parts of the floor…
we were really happy with our lovely meals – I decided to have a break from fish!
Can’t believe it was a summer weekend away:
Certainly not feeling too fashionista but all the same I was sad to leave and vowed that next time I will try out the kitebuggy!