The story of how Olga Florida started COSY SUNDAY is so moving and truly says it all so here is the beginning:

In February 1999, I went down the stairs of the plane to Italian soil to dive head-on into the world of Italian fashion. I got a cup of strong but delicious espresso on the sunny terrace and started to discover the Italian lifestyle secret.

I’ve seen Italian people slow down from the hustle and bustle of the week. Since that period Sunday has always been my favorite day. Many years after I’ve made different projects in my life, became a mom of 3 children, and got the feeling that modern women in big cities have so many roles that even Sunday doesn’t give enough relaxation and “me time” after a busy week.

I wanted to create clothing that is soft for delicate skin, giving love through the touch. This is how the idea of COSY SUNDAY was born.

Read the full story here.

Ever since discovering the brand in February 2023 I have been in total love with it and feel so honoured to be able to feature it as one of the FunkyForty Favourite shops.

Each piece I own makes me look and feel special whilst still being easy to wear and super comfortable yet high, timeless quality.

Some of my favourite outfits from the store:



Hi! I’m Yvonne, a 40 something (wink) Kiwi, living in Zurich. I love fashion, travel, shopping and food – believing chocolate will cure almost anything!

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