That new bag trend of carrying several bags at once is here – and no, we’re not talking a handbag and sports bag – we’re talking a delicate handbag and a special little bag solely for the purpose of holding your handy – it’s the new must have!
I mean lets face it – it certainly looks like the more polished complete look than this (which I know I shouldn’t be making fun of as I still need to get my own handy bag):
And here we go again with Anna – I think the problem is she needs to carry two handy’s with her at once…
Check out the following fab handy bags found online:
Rebecca Minkoff CHF 66Michael Kors CHF 107
Chelsea Hardcase Clutch £45
Wishing you all lots of fun selecting your new “handy” bag!
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Although I don’t see the point in carrying around two small bags it doesn’t look bad and I might do the same 🙂
The pink-green hand bag in the first pic is superb!
Hi Sweetie…my thoughts exactly – would be good I thought not to have to dive into depths of handbag every time I want to use the phone 😉