My 3 best blogging tips and 12 magical moments from 2017

Hi Everyone,

Hope 2018 has started well for you. For some reason the beginning of a new year is always the perfect time to reflect on the past year. Looking back at lessons learned and appreciating the wonderful adventures experienced throughout the year.

Keep Reading for my 3 best blogging tips and 12 magical moments from 2017!


3 Best Blogging Tips is now officially 3 years old so it seems fitting to have 3 best blogging tips!

1. The Power of Positivity

A positive mind and learning from each mistake, negative situation to turn it into something positive  has a much bigger long term impact than you imagine.

2. Focus on what you Believe

There will always be people who either agree or disagree with what you do. However focus on what you believe, stay true to yourself and then you move forward in the right direction.

3. Keep on Trucking on

We all have times when we feel discouraged or like giving up. The secret to success is to keep on going through these situations. They eventually rectify and you end up stronger at the other end!

Bonus Tip

The secret is in imagination, originality and quality!


12 magical moments from 2017

2017 was full of so many magical moments it was difficult to choose 12 but these are some of my favourites…(not necessarily in order).

1. Shopping with a Bodyguard

Not sure shopping will ever be the same after that fabulous experience… full story

2. Dinner in the Steinway factory, Hamburg

Blogging opens doors to so many fabulous experiences and this evening is one I shan’t forget for a long time…full story

3. Wellness in Austria

I know there are many wellness hotels in the World but the pure size and luxury of this one really blew my mind…full story

4. Paris Fashion Week Fall 2107

In reality all Fashion weeks are special memories however Paris certainly has a special place in my heart…refresh fashion for Fall 2017 according to Paris here

5. First blogger trip to Ascona

2017 was the year I experienced my first ever blogger group trip to Ascona. What a party it was…full story here

6. Shopping at Fashion Fish

Always so much fun even if I had to do Mothers day reversed and shop mainly for my daughter – haha! Full story here.

7. Maserati Quattroporte Car Review

Having a secret passion for cars and even owning a race track helmet, it really was a fab experience to test drive a Maserati Quattroporte through Switzerland for a weekend… full story here.

8. Staying at the Chedi in Andermatt.

Having heard so much about this hotel it was fabulous being able to experience it and lap up the exclusive luxury in the midst of the Swiss mountains…full story here.

9. Discovering the Belle Epoque in Neuchatel

Having a guide for a whole day in Neuchatel and learning so much about the history etc was one of my most favourite memories and something I recommend you all to do…full story here.

10. Zurich Film Festival

2017 was the first year to be officially invited to the Zurich Film Festival and later even featured briefly on TV when they were summarising the event on the Swiss News… Thank you Bucherer! Full story here

11. Fun at Villa Orselina

This was such a special weekend together with dear friend Julia and the swan we discovered in the pool…full story here

12. Singapore discoveries

I have always loved visiting Singapore as a stop over destination but this was the first time I ever really got to discover a little Singapore behind the scenes. Something I can also really recommend for anyone passing through … see more here


Of course there were many more adventures but hope you enjoyed this little recap and look forward to sharing more adventures with you throughout 2018!


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The comment section is at the end of the post, I love reading all your comments and would love to read what you think of this collection!


May 2018 be full of new adventure!


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Hi! I’m Yvonne, a 40 something (wink) Kiwi, living in Zurich. I love fashion, travel, shopping and food – believing chocolate will cure almost anything!

  1. What a fabulous year you had, Yvonne! And thanks so much for sharing your top 3 blogging tips! I don’t know if you saw but you were one of the most featured bloggers at Shelbee on the Edge last year as well (the post was published last Tuesday)! Wishing you a very happy and healthy 2018 filled with many blessings!


  2. Dear Yvonne. Thank you for sharing your 3 tips and 12 magical moments. You have had quite some fun and I love the positive energy that radiates from each of your photos and blogposts. Wishing you a fabulous and funky 2018. Keep doing what you are doing so well! Love, Lieske

    1. Thanks Nancy, it was a great year and here’s to more adventures for 2018!

      Wishing you a wonderful year ahead and look forward to your weekly linkups dear!

      xoxo Yvonne

  3. I’m so happy to have discovered you on IG !

    Love your blog posts, they are always so well written and the pictures are always beautiful.

    You’re a beautiful , very knowledgeable , positive spirit with fabulous fashion style xx

    1. I am so happy you discovered me too Sue:-) Where would I be without all your lovely comments? Wishing you a wonderful year with lots of messages 😉

      xoxo Yvonne

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