Hi Everyone,
Each year I reflect on what my main learnings of the past year were. Sometimes it takes a little longer until I finally realise what they were and this is one of those years. Hence me writing it in April – a good quarter of the way into the next year!
All the same these are cornerstones I take with me for future years. I’m sharing them with you as you might also find these learnings useful. If you have any of your own learnings you wish to share please do feel free to leave a comment at the end of this post.
On a personal note you might want to read an earlier post of mine: 2023– How to think Positively and start the year well!
Keep reading for “My 2 Biggest Professional Learnings of 2022”.
My 2 Biggest Professional Learnings of 2022!
Forward Thinking
This is not to be mistaken with planning. Of course there is a certain amount of planning involved in forward thinking. However forward thinking in this sense is about making sure your business continues to operate the way you want it.
The power of forward thinking – when executed correctly – will combat the issues around highs and lows or seasonal dips in business. This is because forward thinking will have you prepared with a solution ahead of time for these moments.
On one of our weekend trips this year we met a man who owned a company. He said that when he wakes up on the 1st January each year he knows his bills for the year are paid. Forward thinking put him in this position. Sounds good to me – smile!
2. The importance of leading a principles based life
“What lies behind us and what lies before us
are tiny matters
compared to what lies within us” – Oliver Wendell Holmes
Leading a principles based life gives you control of your own life. It is a learning that is useful for both you professional and personal life. It is so easy to let yourself be governed by what others may think or say. However if you put this aside, set your own true principles and live by those instead you will find you have so much more power to do what you want, succeed at it and be happy.
To lead a principles based life you need to become very self-aware. Examine your true deepest values. Are you currently living those values? If not then take control and change. Live out of your imagination instead of your memory and unleash your own limitless potential instead of letting others around you take control of your life.
Often when we are sad or disturbed it will be because someone else has done or said something to trigger our feelings. However leading a principles based life will empower you not to let the actions of others impact the way you feel about you. It also empowers you to do what you want.
Just this weekend we were out at dinner. I mentioned that I love a good party. Someone else said “others would say that is hanging onto something you need to let go of at a certain age”. Will I let that bother me? No because one of my main principles in life is to make the most of my life and live it to the fullest possible!
For more abut this I can really recommend reading “The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People” by Stephen R. Covey.
Outfit details:
Dress: Idilza Santos
Shoes: LK Bennet – available here
Bag: Prada – similar available here
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Hi dear Yvonne thank you for your blog well what can I say it is always much better to have a mind of your own and not listen too much what others want you to do or say only so you can succeed and do it also with confidence in your self