MFW – Come to the Carwash at Moschino!!!

Simply awesome – the one show that took my breath away during Milan Fashion Week would have to be Moschino – going all out this year and inviting 3 times as many guests as usual!

DSC_0307_FotorFelt like I was back in the sixties – its all about bright colours


DSC_0144_FotorAdore the matching shoes and detail both in front and back of each outfit.

DSC_0255_FotorThese boots are to die for!

DSC_0286_FotorThe coat will cheer anyone up on a rainy day!


DSC_0295_FotorFringes taken to a new dimension with entirely fringed dresses.

Version 2Street Style looking like Street workers.

Truly something for everyone – check out slide show:

Jeremy Scott – thanks for the fab show – LOVE it!!!!

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Note: All photos taken by, you may use them provided you credit 😉


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Hi! I’m Yvonne, a 40 something (wink) Kiwi, living in Zurich. I love fashion, travel, shopping and food – believing chocolate will cure almost anything!


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