Merry Christmas to all you wonderful FunkForty readers! It’s been a fab year learning all the ins and outs of blogging and loads of fun thinking of things to write about and I would’t be here without you!
Stay tuned for 2016 as FunkyForty has loads of cool new ideas coming up! More on this to be published shortly.
The Perfect Last Minute Present:
In todays world when no one has time for anything how about – instead of rushing round to buy something – give your special friend/partner/family member etc the present of time:
- a nite away
- an evening out at a special restaurant
- a day trip somewhere
- concert tickets
Make your own little voucher and wrap it in a box so the person still has something to unwrap!
Perfect Last Minute Christmas Recipes:
Each year I love looking for Christmas recipes in various magazines – favourites being:
Good Housekeeping – love the December issue – the walnut and blue cheese macaroons have turned out fab – and there is a special recipe included this year for beginner cooks!
Food – a NZ magazine that comes out monthly and always has brilliant recipes
Dish – also a NZ magazine, comes out every 2 months and even has it’s own Facebook page!
Wishing you all a fab Christmas time!
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