Make your Corporate Look Fall 2015 Compliant!

A suit is a suit, is a suit is it???

The answer is NO – even suit trends change and whilst you can get away with wearing your standard suit, why not put some pep into your corporate wear!

3 Easy Tips:

1) Update the Trousers

Trouser trend in general is much more leisurely moving away from tailored fit to the pleated baggy look – brilliant much more comfy.

Version 2

Note the length of the trousers too – time to have them just about ankle length – brilliant in winter as you can combine with patterned stockings for a bit of extra fun.

I bought these Rue Blanche Trousers in eclectic and simply combined them with a vintage Boss jacket – as they are both wool you could never tell they weren’t an actual suit from the start – excellent (cost cutting and being trendy all in one!).


2) Add a Jacket with a Difference

This is Veronica who I stumbled across in Zurich on her way home from work:

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Looks like she has decided MaxMara is her look for this coming fall 😉


Her Jacket H&M has the most discrete yet differentiating black embroider pattern over the front – giving it a very posh D&G look to it! Skirt – Schumacher,  Shoes – Walder, Shirt – Massimo Dutti

Here some cute online jackets you might like to try:

Couture Curve Jacket Schumacher

H&M Jacket with Fringes (PS: H&M has a new online store for Switzerland, offering 20% discount on an item if you sign in!)

3) Add some Red-Mulberry to your look

Seriously Fall/Winter 2015 is all about the colour red – in particular that beautiful rich mulberry red – wonderful and warm for the cold winter days…

 To temp your taste buds:

L.K.Bennett Split Skirt

L.K.Bennett Fitted Dress

L.K.Bennet Bucket Bag (I love this!)

L:K:Bennett Tamia Buckle Suede Shoe

Have fun pepping up your corporate look – never miss a post by subscribing to funky forty (pink box upper right hand side)!

Special thanks to for the photos she took of me!


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Hi! I’m Yvonne, a 40 something (wink) Kiwi, living in Zurich. I love fashion, travel, shopping and food – believing chocolate will cure almost anything!

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