Little Things that Matter!

Walking down Bahnhofstr yesterday I came across this brilliant collection of little accessories and bags by Anya Hindmarsh…topping it off I bought the InStyle magazine at the train station and what do I see – a whole page dedicated to her items!


What I really love about this collection is that if you don’t have the CHF 1’500+ spare to buy one of her bags, you can simply buy one of the accessories – add it to an existing bag of yours and voila you have both a totally original look and one that will turn everyone’s heads this fall!

picture from

I love the tassels like the baby imitation of a traffic cone above.

The baby cross over bag at £ 495 is so cute.


If you want to make an impact on a budget – the leather stickers at around £45 are perfect to put on any bag (was thinking of adding to a LV one of mine but can imagine my hubby not impressed – would be original though wouldn’t it – smile.


So where did I see these – it was in Trois Pommes in Zurich – am really pleased to say that the prices in the shop are comparable to those online and this is NOT a sponsored post in any way.

Hoping to have inspired you in some way or other and wishing you all a fab day!


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Natural Nuance

Favourite Bags: Natural Nuance bags are crafted to the highest standards using consciously sourced materials. Circular design principles are applied to ensure longevity and re-use.

Find out more here.

Hi! I’m Yvonne, a 40 something (wink) Kiwi, living in Zurich. I love fashion, travel, shopping and food – believing chocolate will cure almost anything!


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