Hi Everyone,
Ironing is something I have to confess to always hating. My dear Mum ironed everything for me until I left home – at the age of 20! I shudder now at the memories of me getting upset because she didn’t iron something to my then standards. Fortunately I have mellowed with age and am no longer so fussy. Oops in reality that’s because I now have to iron myself!
However as the saying goes “what comes around goes around”, and these days I get my own medicine back by my family. I don’t mind as it means my husband will iron instead of me if he wants a good job done.
In any case when I was asked to do this collaboration with Laurastar I was super happy to finally try it out for myself I had heard so much from friends of mine who swear by theirs!
Keep reading to find out what happened and all about ironing made easy!
Ironing Made Easy – Even My Husband Likes It!
The iron came in a wonderful pink box and it was my job to unpack and figure out how it worked. anyone who knows me, knows I am sooooo not a gadget person and prefer someone else to do the unpacking and initiation work of any new gadget. Especially for any household gadget.
My dear husband had prepared himself mentally for me not being able to figure out what to do and him having to save the day – once again!
Much to my own amazement I had everything unpacked and a perfectly working Laurastar iron in a couple of minutes. Of course I got the “are you sure you’re doing this right?” from dear hubby. He even checked the manual and much to his own disappointment realised I was doing everything right!
He was left with only the job of photographing after all!
I love the fact that it comes with a little trolly – this way it was easy for me to set up a little ironing station outside in the sun.
My dear hubby decided he wanted to try the iron too to see if it really was as easy as I was making out. He literally (and I am not kidding here), loved it!
Why it really is ironing made easy:
Steam Function – saves time
My husband realised with the steam function he only needed to iron table runners down one side and they were perfect.
Easy gliding
Unlike our old iron it was no longer necessary to press down with the iron – a simple glide over whatever we were ironing did the job!
Portable trolly
I spoke about that before – love the fact I can now iron outside.
A handy filter comes for the water section so it’s super easy to use tap water. No more dreadful calc deposits accumulating over time. Or better said – no more having to buy special ironing water!
Originally my hubby used to do all the ironing. Since changing jobs to becoming an Influencer, this task seems to have moved on to me.
Now with this new Laurastar iron he liked it so much that I suddenly found our whole washing pile perfectly ironed once again. I was so happy and he too as in the mean time I had done lots of other indoor chores!
There’s something to be said for teamwork!
Thank you Laurastar for my new iron! Whilst this is a sponsored post all opinions are my own and I only wish I would have had one of these irons years ago!
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30 Persons think this post is funky
very nice I wish that I had one of those too it looks so easy and it is just my colour so beautiful love it
Yes, I am sure you would love it …(I’ll let you use it next time you visit me – hehe)
Love your t shirt. The color is ideal. Also love your hair at the collar bone. Refreshing.
The iron looks great too.
Thank – yes the iron really is great.
I always hated ironing too, Yvonne! And I usually let the pile get really big before I do it, but the new steam irons are so much easier to deal with aren’t they? I must say the Laurastar looks fabulous!
Suzy xx
Yes, I’m ever so pleased!
Thanks for your comment, hope all is going well with you!
Prettiest iron I’ve ever seen and looks like it does an amazing job , gotta love that !
Hehe so true!
Happy Tuesday dear xoxo