Hot Street Style Trends – Milan Fashion Week Part 2

10 more favourite Street Style looks from Milan Fashion Week Summer 2016:

Pretty in Pink:


Love this shade of dusky pink!DSC_0182

Key to remember is the impact glasses will make on any outfit you wear – love these round frames!

The Camel Comeback:

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Love this leather camel coloured dress – style made so simple!DSC_0045

This little knitted number caused quite a stir with the photographers – was it the woman or the outfit?


Awesome leather jacket with a difference!

Beautiful in Blue:


The classic shirt dress not to be underestimated, especially with pretty sandals!DSC_0121

Proving blue with blue is tip top and the high waisted trouser is hot!DSC_0186

Veronica Giomini looking awesome in pale blue!

Simply Black and White!


Taking fringe and fur to a new dimension – looks like you can do anything provided it’s black and white 😉

Most delightful ladies having serious fun at Fashion Week!

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Off to Paris tomorrow – crossing fingers weather won’t be too bad 😉


PS: Stay tuned for Fashion Week Updates by signing up to FunkyForty in pink box below


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Hi! I’m Yvonne, a 40 something (wink) Kiwi, living in Zurich. I love fashion, travel, shopping and food – believing chocolate will cure almost anything!


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