F/W 2015 Milan Fashion Week – Funky Forty Live Coverage!

Awesome – Fall/Winter Fashion Week in Milan just finished yesterday and Funkyforty went to three shows to get the vibes live. Had the most amazing day, meeting fab people from all over the globe, all with the same mission for the day – to see the Milan Fashion shows.

This week I will be covering each of the shows in more detail plus the best of Milan Street style – all photos will be my original ones. (If you want to use them you may provided you refer back to me and my blog).

Here a preview of more to come this week:

Mila Schön, Leitmotiv and Fatima Val (all photos my original, taken live at the show)

Mila Schön
DSC_0282 - Version 2
Fatima Val

Milan street style also not to be missed – will be posting more tomorrow.

If anyone has special requests or would like more information feel free to contact me on yvonne@funkyforty.com.

Yvonne x

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Hi! I’m Yvonne, a 40 something (wink) Kiwi, living in Zurich. I love fashion, travel, shopping and food – believing chocolate will cure almost anything!

  1. awesome!! 😀 How did you get the tickets for the shows? I’m trying to find out so hard 🙁 As I’m going to report from Paris. It seems like you can only be invited for the (at least the BIG) shows..

    1. Hi there – thanks for the nice comment – first thing is to find out exactly which show is when and then I suggest writing them an email and asking if you could get in last minute – this might work 😉

      1. So thank you for your answer. I already had the schedule ready. Unfortunately nobody replied to the mails but well .. a photographer there told me where it was and it would have been too far away anyway

      2. Hi – How fab that you did go to Paris anyway – shame I didn’t know you were there over the weekend – I had a ticket to YDE I could have passed on to you as I will be going to Paris tomorrow evening, ready for Wednesday;-) I am from Zurich – would you like to meet up once? You can always email me on yvonne@funkyforty.com. Have a fab start to the week! x

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