The story behind Mila Schön (1917? – 2008) is fascinating – born to a wealthy Italian family, then having a short marriage which ended in divorce leaving her broke with one son. Not having the money to fund her love for fashion she started making her own Parisian fashion and selling it to friends at Italian prices. Later, in 1958 her Mother helped her open a small workshop and things moved upward from there.
By 2005, Ronna was the Mila Schon ready-to-wear license holder in Japan with retail value of €30 million. (click here for more info)
Since seeing this show I have decided to add a piece of Mila Shön to my wardrobe 🙂
To buy the Spring/ Summer collection online click here.
Yvonne x
3 Persons think this post is funky
loving all the fashion statement pieces <3
Thanks x
I love this collection so much !