Why FunkyForty is doing Secret Santa!

Hi Everyone,

Todays post is a super personal story about my childhood and why FunkyForty is doing Secret Santa this year!

Why FunkyForty is doing Secret Santa

As a child my Father owned a well renowned bakery in New Zealand. He was Swiss and at the time it was one of the first Swiss bakeries in Auckland. People loved his wonderful delicacies, super cakes, petit fours, not to mention his amazing chocolate Easter displays. He even made the wedding cake for the king of Tonga one year!!!

Each evening after the shop had closed he would put together a box of all the cakes such as cream slices etc. which just wouldn’t be the same the next day. Then on his way home drop them into the kitchen of the local children’s home. No one ever saw him and so he became known as the secret baker. At Christmas there were always special treats for the children making him a Secret Santa to them. They knew which bakery the cakes came from due to the name on the box but they never saw him.

In memory of my dear Father and as a big thank you to all my lovely FunkyForty readers there will be a FunkyForty Secret Santa this year!


Starting with 2 awesome Rituals Advent calendars which will of course be given away in November.

Then in  December someone will win a little Advent surprise each day right through to the 24th December.

If you would like to make sure your name is added to win one of our exciting gifts just send and email to:


with the subject title “Please add me to secret Santa” and your address in the mail itself. Your name will be added to the pot. Please note that unfortunately this will be limited to readers with a postal address in Switzerland.



Wishing you a lovely day!




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Hi! I’m Yvonne, a 40 something (wink) Kiwi, living in Zurich. I love fashion, travel, shopping and food – believing chocolate will cure almost anything!

  1. Christmas is always an exiting time and the best of all is also the shops with their christmas decoration 👍🎄🌲

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