FunkyForty Learns a Lesson!


Hi Everyone,

This is a different post from any of those I normally write and I did think 100 times about writing it. Funny enough though talking to my friends they wanted to find out more and begged me to go ahead and tell the whole story so here I go…

Last week I was invited to a lovely event at a yoga shop Lola Fred with a meditation session included. Super excited about yoga and meditation this was all I focused on. Have you ever done that? Only read what you wanted to read in an invitation and missed the main point? Please, please tell me something similar has happened to you…

I even asked a friend a few days earlier if she was going to wear yoga clothing? She looked at me strangely and said no. I should have clicked, but didn’t.

FunkyForty Learns a Lesson!

The motto of the event was

“Say yes to your body and no to stress”

You can imagine I am still thinking yoga and meditation. What I had forgotten to do was take note of who the invitation was actually coming from. I might be excused however as it came from a company called “i say“…I thought it was simply part of the invitation…but I learnt and from here on in I will read all invitations super carefully!

Having said all this if I had known I would probably not have gone to the event and not learnt about this brilliant new product on the market!

There you have it Sweets, we’re talking about a new cure for Vaginal Infections!


Did you know 75% of all women get a vaginal yeast infection at least once in their lives, and 40 – 50% get one more often! When the balance of bacteria and yeast changes, the yeast cells can multiply. This causes intense itching, swelling and irritation.  More information here.

Plus over 30% of all women get a bacterial vaginal infection at some stage. Interestingly bacterial vaginal infections are not really a bacterial infection but an imbalance of the bacteria that are normally present. More information here.

Normally you need to go to a doctor to get vaginal infections diagnosed and then receive the appropriate cure. A swiss company “i say” has however come up with a home based solution to this that is just as easy to use as the pregnancy test sticks.

Within 15 minutes the test will give you a clear indication of whether you have an infection or not and whether it is fungal or bacterial.

In addition “i say” have developed special vaginal tablets containing cranberry-active. They cure the awful side effects of both infections within 24 hours.

This product is available in pharmacies.

Self-Test approx CHF 22.90, Vaginal Tablets approx CHF 24.70


Prevention is better than the cure!



Lessons Learned:
  1. Always read an invitation through carefully.
  2. How to turn a challenge into an opportunity.
  3. All about vaginal infection home cure – smile!


What are your thoughts on todays post? Was it interesting, would you like more such health driven posts or do you prefer Fashion, Travel and Food?


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Reading carefully!


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Hi! I’m Yvonne, a 40 something (wink) Kiwi, living in Zurich. I love fashion, travel, shopping and food – believing chocolate will cure almost anything!

  1. I think it is very interesting and lots of woman will take it on I am sure love those information about health and also hygiene

  2. Brilliant post !
    I think you were meant to be there , Yvonne and bring the information back to the reader .
    knowledge is power and as women , we need to care for ourselves fully .
    I love all your posts and always learn something ✨✨✨😘

    1. Thanks so much for your kind feedback Sue.
      So true knowledge is power and I really thought it was such a cool idea to have a system whereby you can easily test something from home.

      Have a wonderful day sweetie xoxo

  3. That was an interesing and informativ post! Please keep posting informations like that! It ist allways good to make mistakes, allready my mom said, there is no better way of learning!
    Love Tina

  4. I am so happy, I was cured of herpes simplex virus his email ___________Robinsonbuckler11 @gmail. com,✨✨✨😘

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