Favourite Summer Look and Ageless Style Link Up

Hi there! Today it’s time for the second  “Ageless Style Link-Up” with the theme Summer Favourite Look.  This link up will be on the first Tuesday of each month so stay tuned.

You’d think having to post your favourite look would be easy – but if I like a look it instantly becomes my favourite so I have many favourites – eek!

Instead I tried to think of the themes that are prevailing for this summer and two “biggies” would have to be denim and stripes. Everyone needs them in their wardrobe this summer.


My current favourite top is this little Levis denim short sleeved shirt I picked up in Paris.

I love the fact that it’s so versatile and that denim with denim works so well this season:

Because it is supposed to be summer and denim tends to be dark, I decided to team the look up with light coloured pumps and matching bag.


The denim skirt is from M&S and is A-Line but not as extreme A-line as my little striped skirt from Tommy Hilfiger this skirt is vintage but they have a cute selection currently in store.

Version 2

If you compare the pictures note how the more extreme A-line skirt gives you a very feminine girly look whilst the darker denim skirt with only a slight A-line cut looks alot more corporate and serious.


Similar items available online here:

A-Line Skirt – ASOS, Roll Sleeve Denim Shirt – Oasis, Faux Snake Tote Bag – Dune, PERU pointed High Heels – ASOS,


For some more outfit inspirations you might like to check out the second “Ageless Style Link-Up” with the theme of Summer Favourite Look.  This link up will be on the first Tuesday of each month so stay tuned. (See last months linkup here).

Ageless Style Collage

Have a look at Summer Favourite inspirations from these fabulous hosts – love the way everyone has their totally individual style:

DSC_0961Alice @ Happiness at Mid-Life

tumblr_o731zfWzcw1rehq15o3_1280Ana @ Mrs. American Made

IMG_3584Debbie @ Fashion Fairy Dust

IMG_0642Jennie @ A Pocketful of Polka Dots

HighLatitudeStyle3Nicole @ High Latitude Style

DSC_9223Shelley @ The Queen in Between

DSC_0053 - Version 2Tania @ 50 Is Not Old

_DSC3904 Ageless Style Favorite Summer Look {living outside the stacks}Daenel @Living Outside the Stacks

DSC_0461Yvonne @ Funky Forty


Now let’s get the party going. Everyone of any age and gender is welcome to share their fashion and style posts. It’s super easy all you need to do is follow the simple steps set out below.

  1. Grab the above code for the banner if you like
  2. Please follow your Host via wordpressfacebooktwitterpinterest, and your Co-host via twitterfacebookPinterestInstagram and/or Blog Lovin
  3. Linkup any of your fashion/style posts by simply adding your link below
  4. Please give your linkup-fellows’ blogs some traffic by visiting their posts, introduce yourself to them to network and to make new friends
  5. Please spread the word about the party and invite your friends on twitter. The more, the merrier.


Wishing you all a fabulous day!


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Natural Nuance

Favourite Bags: Natural Nuance bags are crafted to the highest standards using consciously sourced materials. Circular design principles are applied to ensure longevity and re-use.

Find out more here.

Hi! I’m Yvonne, a 40 something (wink) Kiwi, living in Zurich. I love fashion, travel, shopping and food – believing chocolate will cure almost anything!

    1. Hi Shelbee,

      Thanks for your comment – yes def time to get out the denim again and wear it all together – smile – anything goes as far as denim is concerned right now!

      Yvonne x

    1. Hi Katie,

      Thanks for your comment – had a look at your blog and love the different outfit combinations you put together – super cute!

      Yvonne xx

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