The Denim Dress Essential!

Hi Everyone,

Hope the New year started off well for you!

Packing for Christmas holiday this year confused me more than ever. Normally it is simply a matter of throwing in a pile of t-shirts and short skirts but somehow that didn’t seem right this time. I ended up throwing into my case a selection of cute summer dresses – still difficult as most of my dresses seemed to be far to dressy for NZ.

So to cut a long story short – it didn’t take long until I felt like I had nothing left to wear and had to go out shopping…

The Denim Dress Essential


This Summer is definitely much more about the dress and denim – anything denim and you’re dressed right! So I felt really pleased discovering this cute little dress from Witchery. It is a little short but perfect for beach vacation and I have this vision of wearing it once back in Europe, teamed with black over the knee boots and a black turtle neck pullover underneath – lets see if that ever happens – smile?


OMG – yesterday I decided you can never be to old to be climbing trees – this one is a Pohutukawa tree – New Zealand’s Christmas tree so it seems fitting and reminded me of my childhood.



I’m so lucky that my Mum has still kept some of my things from when I still lived at home. This was one of my favourite bags back in the 80’s – it was used as a beach bag as it was perfect for a towel, change of clothes and something to drink… Similar cane bags are once again becoming a hot fashion item 😉

Denim Dress Selection to buy now:

Do you have a denim dress you love in your wardrobe? One to wear either on vacation or at home? If not here are a selection you might like to think about…I may just need to get a second one myself!


Please note that links to vendors may be affiliate links I do benefit from your purchases through the links on the blog. Prices shown may be CHF but suppliers are global.

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The comment section is at the end of the post, I love reading all your comments and would love to read what you think of this collection!


Wishing you all a fabulous day and a brilliant 2017!


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Natural Nuance

Favourite Bags: Natural Nuance bags are crafted to the highest standards using consciously sourced materials. Circular design principles are applied to ensure longevity and re-use.

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Hi! I’m Yvonne, a 40 something (wink) Kiwi, living in Zurich. I love fashion, travel, shopping and food – believing chocolate will cure almost anything!

  1. Jeans colour near my face is dangerous so I tend not to buy jeans tops, dresses or jackets. But recently I bought a jeans jacket so who knows. In any case, this short denim dress looks cute on you. Hiw wonderful you can still climb trees. I don’t anymore haha
    Have a lovely holiday (I am sure you will).

    1. He, he – thanks for tree comment Greetje.
      Have been thinking about what you said re jeans colour near your face – I think that darker denim would look great – it’s prob just the washed out denim that may not work so well. Of the items selected I bet that top with the trousers would look awesome on you – you are so lovely and tall with mega long legs!!!

      Anyhow have a fab 2017!!!

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