Discovering Carven!

Discovering Carven – On the lookout for new (well new to me) good quality brands in an attempt to reduce the proportion of high street clothing in my wardrobe I discovered Carven!

In 1945 Mrs Carven , a petite lady couldn’t find anything to wear so decided to create her own label, becoming very successful with her Haute Couture. Later the label went into a “sleepy” zone only to be bought by a French entrepreneur in 1945 who believes fashion should be accessible without compromising on quality.

10carven-obit-facebookJumboI adore the fact that Mrs Carven lived to be 105 – have decided that is what is to come of all small fashionistas – smile.


Carven is a brand I had previously seen in shops and yet always walked past until last week, discovering their fabulous flagship store in Sloane Square, London. This is where I bought these fab new winter shorts which I seem to be living in ever since 😉Carven Shorts


I had fab fun in the store trying on what seemed like half the store but what impressed me most (apart from the lovely staff of course) was the fabrics – so rich to touch. In all honesty I could have walked out with half the store had I had the budget;-)DSC_0577 What I really love about the shorts is how versatile they are, you can wear them with boots or brogues or pumps depending on the mood and occasion. Add a shirt and long cardigan or blazer or simply dress down with a simply cardigan as I have done…these days there doesn’t seem to be an excuse for me not to wear my shorts 😉

Cute Online Pieces:



Carven Shorts and Red Knit Top


Carven Jumper and Skirt

Carven dressCarven wrap dress

Even one piece of Carven alone in your wardrobe would make a huge difference!

(nb: this is not a sponsored post)


PS: stay tuned by signing into FunkyForty in the pink box below 😉

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Natural Nuance

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Hi! I’m Yvonne, a 40 something (wink) Kiwi, living in Zurich. I love fashion, travel, shopping and food – believing chocolate will cure almost anything!

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