Christmas Cookie Creations

A favourite part of pre Christmas has got to be Christmas cookies – don’t you all agree. This post is dedicated to the art of decorating your wonderful Christmas Cookie Creations:

IMG_9519Being a great believer of eating with the eyes I always make the effort to ensure there is a “pretty” plate of cookies around at Christmas.

5 Easy tips for decorating Christmas cookies:

1) Make sure your icing is thick, place a small amount of icing on the middle of your cookie and then use a wooden satay stick to guide the icing out to the various corners.

2) Get a theme going for each cookie shape – i.e. all trees to be decorated with green icing and mini marshmallows, all hearts to be pink etc. Use different food colours and don’t be afraid to let them turn out bright!



3) Make a hole in each cookie with a wooden satay stick before baking and later, once cooled down thread a ribbon through  – these make for fab tree decorations.


4) Nothing beats the simplicity of sprinkling icing sugar over cookies – always reminds me of snow – perfect for Christmas 😉


5) Brush a thin layer of beaten egg white on each cookie. Then sprinkle with slithered almonds and top with icing sugar for added effect and flavour.


Some Cookie recipes to check out:

IMG_2088 - 2009-12-15 at 01-51-50Aniseed Cookies

photo 6 Chocolate Cookes

IMG_2739 Cranberry Sables

FullSizeRender-5Melting Moments

IMG_4646 Chocolate Duskies

Wishing you all loads of fun with your pre Christmas baking!


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Hi! I’m Yvonne, a 40 something (wink) Kiwi, living in Zurich. I love fashion, travel, shopping and food – believing chocolate will cure almost anything!


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