3 Ways to Style a Bright Pink Coat

Hi Everyone,

Inspired by all the bright pink seen at Berlin Fashion Week I decided to get my bright pink coat out of the wardrobe and let it see the light of day again.

Bright pink is one of those colours you either like or don’t. Then if you do like it you feel unsure of how to wear it and with what. The key is to team it up with confidence – pretend it is black and simply go for it! Basically the rule for any colour blocking. Don’t overthink it just do it.

Keep reading for 3 ways to style a bright pink coat.

3 Ways to Style a Bright Pink Coat

1. Pink and Yellow!

Yes, just like purple and yellow pink and yellow can work. Teamed up with blue jeans to neutralise the whole outfit a little…

The old rule used to be no more than 3 colours at a time but you’ll see layering got the better of me and there is even touches of grey cardigan peaking out. The yellow and pink together make such a statement that no one will notice anything else believe me.


2. Over All Black

Bright pink and all black are perfect in any case. In the midst of shooting a little black dress so this is the look for now. Might just be the perfect touch to your next date nite – smile!

Sneak peak of the black dress alone but there’ll be more about that in my next post!


3. Pink and Green

Proving at this point that bright pink really does go with any colour – it could just as easily have been a blue metallic pleated skirt.


Outfit details

Pink Coat Tara Jarmon – smilar here

Yellow Jacket Tory Burch – similar here

Black Dress Karen Millen – similar here

Skirt Zara – similar here (20% discount code “funkyforty20”)

Sweater Karen Millen – similar here (20% discount code “funkyforty20”)


Have fun shopping or co-ordinating!

Please note that links to vendors may be affiliate links. I do benefit from your purchases through the links on the blog. Prices shown are CHF but shipping is global.


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Dare to wear bright Pink today!

nb: Thanks to my dear friend Brenda for taking photos.

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Hi! I’m Yvonne, a 40 something (wink) Kiwi, living in Zurich. I love fashion, travel, shopping and food – believing chocolate will cure almost anything!

  1. very nice I like those different colour combination and it makes always again a different statement nice

  2. Wow Yvonne, what a beautiful dress and the combination with the pink (very pink) coat is awesome. It’s my favourite of the three outfits. It combines many of the things I love: a dress and just a few colours. The coat really brightens up the black. Totally love it. Looking forward to seeing more of the dress soon. Love, Lieske

    1. Thanks Lieske – funny it was a last minute decision to add the black dress look and yet that is the one people seem to like the most.

      Have a brilliant weekend xxx

  3. Absolutely love bright pink so this post is exactly ME! lol. LOVE what you’ve done with the coat – I agree that this colour does go with so many other colours. In fact, is there even a colour it doesn’t go with? You look particularly stunning in the black dress, Yvonne. Like Audrey Hepburn herself 🙂
    Suzy xx

  4. Love all these beautiful colours on you and how you paired them . If I was walking down the street , and you passed me , I’d be doing a definite double take . Very gorgeous 💛💚💕🖤

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