Hi Everyone,
Welcome to 2023!
A new year with new opportunities ahead is the best time ever to start the act of positive thinking. 2022 was an intense year in many ways. Many things have normalised and at the same time the World is experiencing major disruptions concerning many of us. The art of positive thinking is key to keeping things moving forward.
Did you know that positive and negative thinking are also contagious? This is an instinctive reaction. It happens at a subconscious level via words, thought, feelings and body language. Whenever you have a group of people, if one person has a strong feeling about something – unless there is a direct opponent – the rest of the group will also feel that way.
I have also experienced this on group shopping trips. Even when a shop is full of glorious items if one person is super enthused about something you will find most of the others on the trip will want to try on exactly the same thing. If they buy it, several others will too. If one person adamantly decides to come along and not spend on anything you can basically consider the tour to be a lost cause as all others will decide to do the same.
A new year is a great time to practise positive thinking.
Keep reading for more about 2023– How to think Positively and start the year well!
2023– How to think Positively and start the year well!
How to practise positive thinking – 6 easy steps:
1. Visualise
Use your imagination to visualise a favourable situation or outcome.
2. Use Positive Words
Whenever speaking to others have something positive to say. Use positive words, encourage others.
3. Smile more
It’s amazing how much easier it becomes to think positively when you smile.
4. Be conscious of your thoughts
Every time a negative thought pops into your mind be conscious of it and replace it with a positive thought.
5. Persevere and have faith
Regardless of your present circumstances, think positively, expect only favourable results and situations and you will find circumstances change accordingly. Maybe not today or tomorrow, but over time they will.
6. Do a good deed
Doing a good deed will not only make the person/people you are helping happy, it will also make you feel good. If everyone does one small good deed it will make a huge difference to the World overall.
A good friend once said to me “there is always a way forward”. Now is the time to think of a good way forward for you.
If you are interested in finding out more about positive thinking I can recommend:
“The 5 Rules of Thought” by Mary T. Browne.
Outfit details:
Currently so excited about a lovely Australian label I have just discovered: Tussah
Dress available online here
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dear Yvonne thank you for your blog yes I have to agree positive thinking is always good and I love your pink dress very nice