10 Street Style Looks to Copy from Berlin Fashion Week – Part 2

Hi Everyone,

Revisiting photos from Berlin Fashion Week made me realise I still had quite a few key looks to share. This time teaming each look up with similar items to shop now. Love seeing staple looks such as black and white or tartan remaining at the forefront of fashionista wardrobes.

Keep reading to find your personal favourite look.

10 Street Style Looks to Copy from Berlin Fashion Week – Part 2

1.  How to style black and white…

Berlin Fashion Week Street Style

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2. Tartan Staple, either as shirt or full outfit

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3. The Sheer or Nude Dress

It’s simply a matter of wearing the right piece of clothing underneath…

Berlin Fashion Week Street Style


4. Frayed Denim and nude shoes – definitely here to stay

Berlin Fashion Week Street Style

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5. Black and White again with the dot feature

Berlin Fashion Week Street Style

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6. Pink still rules!

Berlin Fashion Week Street Style

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7. The Dress Jumper

Berlin Fashion Week Street Style

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8. The Shorts Playsuit – it’s the hat that makes the outfit!

10 Street Style Looks to Copy from Berlin Fashion Week

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9. Gucci, Pyjamas and Denim…what more is there to say?

Berlin Fashion Week Street Style

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10. Pretty Florals

Berlin Fashion Week Street Style

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Please note that links to vendors may be affiliate links I do benefit from your purchases through the links on the blog. Prices shown may be CHF but suppliers are global.


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The comment section is at the end of the post, I love reading all your comments and would love to read what you think of this collection!


Create Your Own Street Style!


nb: All photos taken by and property of FunkyForty.com

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Hi! I’m Yvonne, a 40 something (wink) Kiwi, living in Zurich. I love fashion, travel, shopping and food – believing chocolate will cure almost anything!

  1. very interesting collection love the variety and there is for sure for every one something to find to wear and getting away with it.

  2. Great picks! Loving 3 & 4! I need a sheer dress this fall.
    First time here and I am loving your blog name:) Super creative!
    Thank you for linking up with Weekend Wear


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