1 Skirt 3 Looks

There’s a trick behind making your wardrobe seem much bigger than it actually is – you guessed it – it’s being able to wear one item different ways for different occasions. Giving that one piece a totally new look and feel to it so that most people don’t even realise that you’ve ever worn that particular item before.

Given stripes are such a hot item this Spring / Summer I decided to base my looks on a cute striped skirt found in a brilliant secret second season shop, Mary Jane in Zurich..

1. First Look is based on turning the skirt into something you can wear in the office:

blackrabbitphoto_yvonne 3_IG (1) blackrabbitphoto_yvonne 3_blog-2 OK, i’ll let you into a secret – I won’t be dancing round like this in an office – smile – but taking that away the striped skirt is perfect for the office once teamed up with blazer and blue pumps.


2. Stripes with Stripes for a trend statement.

blackrabbitphoto_yvonne 3_IG-10

We used to think wearing patterns with patterns was all a bit much and to be avoided but recently this changed which is great as putting the two pieces together makes the skirt look more like a dress that skirt and top. The skirt is made of super fine cotton so it’s perfect for hot summer days and at the same time can also be worn now.


3. The Funky Look – breaking all the rules.

blackrabbitphoto_yvonne 3_IG-9My personal most favourite way to wear anything (much to my husbands dismay) is to break all the rules. Mix casual with dressy and create a super individual look of it’s own. I love teaming up almost anything with these orange sling backs – my utmost favourite pair of shoes, extremely vintage and NEVER to be thrown out – smile!


4. Added Bonus.

Decided to give the shirt a new look too:

blackrabbitphoto_yvonne 3_IG-11 Admit it – you’d never guess it was the same shirt as worn with the skirt above right?


Why not give it a try with your own wardrobe – get out a skirt and make up three combinations you haven’t tried before – have fun!

Thanks so much to

Druck A super cute shop located in Zurich’s old town, Neumarkt 21 – selling designer items at reduced prices!

In case you like the skirt and top there is still one available 😉

All photos in this post from  blackrabbit photography  check out her brilliant site!


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Hi! I’m Yvonne, a 40 something (wink) Kiwi, living in Zurich. I love fashion, travel, shopping and food – believing chocolate will cure almost anything!

  1. Hi, I am Ada. I just found your wonderful blog and adore your style. That two piece floral set is gorgeous. I love the skirt with the graphic buttercup tee and I also love the elegant look with the floral tee and blazer.

    I run a linkup on Thursdays, however this week is up on a Wednesday. This week’s current, brand-new linkup is live (a day early). I would love for you to join it. Thank you. Ada. =)


  2. Toller Post und richtig klasse Outfits! Der gestreifte Rock mit Top ist ganz nach meinem Geschmack. Ich liebe diese weiten Midi-Röcke und habe auch welche doch bis jetzt leider nur einfarbig.
    Mir gefällt die Variation mit dem blauen Shirt (uaah die Schuhe sind Hammer!!) aber auch das in ganz gestreift!! <3

    viele liebe Grüße
    Dana 🙂

  3. Just found your blog through a comment you made on Samantha Blair’s Fake Fabulous blog.
    I’m loving your energy and the happy way you reveal it through you fashion. I’m looking forward to more!!

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